Stewardship is about more than just money in the plate; it's living a life that reflects the reality that all of who we are and all of what we have belongs to God. God wants us to be faithful stewards of our time, talents, and treasure to build up God's kingdom on this island and in our world. We give to God through our local church as a way of being in ministry with one another.
If you have not yet returned your 2020 Stewardship Commitment Card to us, you can pick one up in the sanctuary and return it to the church office or you can fill out the form below!
To read this year's Stewardship Letter - click here.
If you have not yet returned your 2020 Stewardship Commitment Card to us, you can pick one up in the sanctuary and return it to the church office or you can fill out the form below!
To read this year's Stewardship Letter - click here.